What We Do
We believe relationships are essential to our health and happiness. Our technology makes it easier to take care of each other, especially when challenged by illness or aging.
Our team is devoted to build solutions that transform life's overwhelming moments into more manageable and meaningful experiences. We founded Weal Life in 2015 with decades of entrepreneurial and investment experience in technology development, health care, design, executive leadership, and community engagement. Incorporated as a Public Benefit Corporation, we are intentionally designed to create commercial value that must have intrinsic positive societal impact.
All Weal Life's products and research aim to bring new ways to harness our individual and collective capacities to CARE.
Our Products
We create healthy aging and caregiving infrastructure as a central strategy to reinvent and build more resilient interdependent societies so ALL people can live longer, healthier, and more productive lives. All our platforms can be customized for specialized client needs- individual or institutional.
Weal Life's mobile application makes for more comfortable healing and resilient aging. Whether dealing with a cancer diagnosis, caring for aging parents, helping a neighbor after surgery or a friend through a tough pregnancy, Weal makes the experience less overwhelming, more connected, meaningful and joyful.
Weal's mobile application offers a fusion of task management tools, actionable gift registry and streamlined group communication. The app helps supporters know how to contribute in practical useful ways, even if they cannot be there in person. Coordinate transport, errands, meals, and decision support among one’s support network of family/friends/third-party providers.
Our Research & Development
We are passionate about new approaches to the ways we live and age. These values drive our interdisciplinary research agenda, practice and academic collaborations with the world's top institutions, including Oxford University, UC Berkeley, Stanford University, Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of the Pacific, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Design School at California College of the Arts, General Assembly Design Team, Lynn University and Middlebury Institute's Center for Social Impact Learning.
Our diverse research interests have spanned from cultural context of caregiving, home health robotics to health impacts of complex networks of support. Some of our recent work focused on the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence for the development of "Weal Optimal Experience Protocols". Why are optimal experience protocols important? When hit with life challenges, people often do not know what to do or where to start. Yet, many others have gone through this similar challenge before and they fashioned effective solutions. Weal's innovation strives to leverage technology to intelligently identify what an optimal experience may look like for dealing with common life challenges and offer this expertise up to users at the appropriate time and in an ACTIONABLE form such as a template or roadmap based on the protocol. We've been identifying and codifying common characteristics within caregiving scenarios where an individual who juggles care responsibilities could boost resilience by involving social support in prescriptive activities. Weal's models and formulas serve as an adaptable roadmap when personalized for others with similar life challenges. Such a protocol is non-medical, and includes activities/decisions/responses for planning daily life activities that bring joy, minimize suffering and utilize untapped resources of community/friends/family. Weal's Optimal Experience Protocols could significantly enhance and automate society's macro-level access to effective patterns of care among complex networks.